
摘 要:太湖为典型的浅湖湖泊,近年来富营养化和蓝藻现象比较严重。为了查明内湖滨带无机氮在水-沉积物界面的交换行为,同时也为太湖污染治理和生态环境保护提供科学依据, 对太湖西岸内湖滨带3个采样点的表层沉积物与湖水中DIN (NO3-、NO2-和NH4+)的交换规律进行模拟研究。实验研究发现,在蓝藻暴发时沉积物成为水体DIN的源,交换通量平均值为1.23mg /( m2•h),无光照条件下近岸点A的DIN交换通量达到最大,为1.74mg/(m2•h),最小DIN交换通量出现于B点,为0.73mg /( m2•h)。在光照时B、C点为NO3-的源,交换通量分别为-0.40 mg /( m2•h)与-0.21 mg /( m2•h),而在避光时,各点均表现为NO3-的汇,平均交换通量为0.31 mg /( m2•h)。
The simulated determination of inorganic nitrogen exchange fluxes on Taihu lakeside zones
Abstract: Taihu is a typical shallow lake. In recent years, the eutrophication and cyanobacteria phenomenon are more and more serious. In one hand, it finds that the exchange between water and sediment interface of inorganic nitrogen in the lakeside zone. In another hand, it provides scientific basis for the pollution regulation and ecological environment protection of the coast of Taihu. We have carried through the simulation study on the exchange rule of surface sediments and inorganic nitrogen ( NO3-, NO2- and NH4+ ) in 3 sampling sites of the lakeside. According to the study, it turns out that sediments are the origin of DIN when the blue-green algae break out. The average value of exchange flux is 1.23mg / (m2, h ), On the condition of no light, the average value of DIN’s exchange flux which is on the point A reaches a maximum, 1.74mg / (m2, h ), the minimum DIN exchange flux occurred at B, 0.73mg / (m2, h ). Under the light, point B and C are the origins of NO3-. The exchange fluxes of them are -0.40 mg /( m2, h) and -0.21 mg/( m2, h ). But, on the condition of being kept out of light, each point is the assamble point of NO3-, the average exchange flux is 0.31 mg / (m2, h ).
Keyword: Taihu lakeside zones; Illumination; Exchange flux; Sediment - water interface; Dissolved inorganic nitrogen
目 录
摘 要 1
关键词: 1
1 前言 2
1.1 选题的背景和意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 课题的研究内容 3
2 样品采集及处理 4
2.1 样品采集 4
2.2水样分析 5
2.3 沉积物分析 5
2.4 沉积物-水体系统中物质交换量分析 5
3 结果与分析 5
3.1水体氮形态变化 5
3.2沉积物中物质变化 6
3.3光照对水体中氮含量的影响 7
3.3.1光照组DIN的扩散行为 7
3.3.2 避光组DIN扩散行为 8
3.4 模拟实验交换通量及分析 10
4 结论 13
参考文献 13
致 谢 15