
摘 要
本设计对嵌件板进行的级进模设计,通过对级进模冲压成型的工作原理,以及根据级进模定位零件的特征对铁片进行加工。同时利用Auto CAD 软件对制件进行设计绘图。明确了设计思路,确定了冲压成型工艺过程并对各个具体部分进行了详细的计算。并绘制了模具的装配图和零件图。
In recent years, as China's automobile, hose-appliance industry, the rapid development of the mold industry, especially Die with higher and higher, more scientific requirements.
Multi-position into modules are o-level into mode in the developed on the basis of a kind of high precision, high efficiency, long life mold, is an important representative of technology-intensive mould, is one of stamping development direction.A progressive die performs a series of fundamental sheet metal operations at two or more stations in the die during each press stroke. These simultaneous operations produce a part from a strip of material that moves through the die. Each working station performs one or more die operations, but the strip must move from the first station through each succeeding station to produce a complete part. Carriers, consisting of one or more strips of material left between the parts, provide movement of the parts from one die station to the next. These carrier strips are separated from the parts in the last die station.
The design of the Insert plate of the progressive die design, through the progressive die stamping works, and locate parts progressive die based on the characteristics of the Iron tablets for processing. While using Auto CAD software to design parts drawing. Clear design ideas, determine the process of stamping and forming part of the various specific details of the calculation.And the mapping of the mold assembly and part drawings.
Key words: progressive die; press; AutoCAD

目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目 录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究意义 1
1.2 我国级进模的发展现状 1
2 冲压工件的工艺分析及排样图设计 2
2.1 工艺分析 2
2.2 排样图设计 2
2.3 压力中心的计算 4
3 设计过程中的主要计算 5
3.1 步距及条料标称宽度的计算 5
3.2 冲 孔 5
3.2.1 冲裁力,卸料力,推件力计算 5
3.2.2 冲裁间隙及凹模,凸模刃口尺寸公差计算 6
3.3 以两个 的孔导正切边 6
3.3.1 冲裁力,卸料力,推件力计算 6
3.3.2 冲裁间隙及凹模,凸模刃口尺寸公差计算 7
3.4 以导正孔导正压锥角 8
3.4.1 压印力,卸料力,推件力计算 8
3.4.2 凹模,凸模刃口尺寸公差计算 9
3.5 冲外型、落料 9
3.5.1 冲裁力,卸料力,推件力计算 9
3.5.2 冲裁间隙及凹模,凸模刃口尺寸公差计算 9
3.6 侧刃 10
3.6.1 冲裁力,卸料力,推件力计算 10
3.7 导正销尺寸 11
3.7.1 导正销工作部分直径 11
3.8 空位 11
4 模具结构总体设计 12
5 模具主要零件设计 13
5.1 定位装置 13
5.2 卸料装置: 13
5.2.1 弹性元件 13
5.2.2 卸料板 15
5.2.3 卸料螺钉 15
5.3 固定机构的设计 15
5.3.1 板类零件的定位连接 15
5.4 凸,凹模的设计 16
5.4.1 凹模 16
5.4.2 凸模 18
5.5 固定零件 24
5.5.1 模柄 24
5.5.2 固定板与垫板 24
5.5.3 模架 24
5.6 导向零件 24
5.7 压力机的选择 25
6 模具材料的选取 26
6.1 凸凹模材料的选择 26
6.2 其它主要零件材料的选取见下表 26
设计总结 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29