
Research on isometric algorithm of STL triangle mesh surface along external normal direction
The discrete result of the approximation of a surface by using a triangle in a discrete process is called a triangular mesh surface. Isometric for the triangular mesh surface has always been a hot topic of research. For the format of STL file, this paper adopts a triangular-plane one-sided normal vector weighted addition and normalization algorithm based on common vertices. The algorithm firstly locates the repeated points of the triangular mesh surface model, then adds the weights to obtain the vertex normal vector, and finally equidistantly constructs the equidistant surface. The algorithm avoids the problem of fracture and self-intersection which may occur in equidistant range within a certain equidistant range, and the accuracy of the equidistant model is good and the reduction is high.
Key Words: 3D printing; isometric algorithm; triangular mesh surface
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究步骤 5
1.3 本文主要研究内容 6
第二章 STL格式介绍与等距技术概述 7
2.1 STL文件格式介绍 7
2.2 等距技术概述及理论基础 8
2.3 三角网格面沿外法线等距出现的问题 10
2.4 本章小结 11
第三章 等距算法推导与程序设计 12
3.1 算法流程概述 12
3.2 算法推导 12
3.3 程序实现变量定义界面展示 13
3.4 经济性分析 19
3.5 本章小结 20
第四章 总结与展望 21
参考文献 22
致谢 24
附录 25
附录A:stlread.m文件代码 25
附录B:stlwrite.m文件代码 28
附录C: isometric.m文件代码 34 [资料来源:]