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摘   要
关键词:起重机  双梁桥式  电气控制

The electricity control of the bridge type of crane with double beams [来源:]
The crane machine is a kind of porterage machine that carries on rising to rise,descend to the material with level to move by intermittent operation method.the bridge type of crane with double beams is the most widespread crane that the factory produces to use in the workshop.Along with domestic and international metallurgy industrial and technical development, make steel,shipbuilding etc. the profession craft technical development and produce an exaltation of operate the automation level, double the technique and function of the beam crane request to be more and more high also.How satisfy the market request, design the crane that a high capability with low price , the crane with quality good,the rate of production is high and maintain rate at a low level, is a count work of the crane profession nowadays.
This design according to various technique parameter of the topic enactment,adoption forerunner's design conceives and technique of crane, under the sistuation that meet current effective demand, to design on an overall electricity control of the bridge type crane with two beams, and make it have the better product price ratio.Through check and calculation the crane technique parameter, make selection electric motor, then adopt to the method that is combine to design by myself and choose a finished control cabinet product, to design on an overall electricity control of the bridge type crane with two beams,and elaborate the work principle and the system characteristics of each organization, the end carried on a design to various protection, mainly having already carried protection,zero protections and various limits and the lock protection. [资料来源:]
Keywords: crane; double beams bridge type;electric control

参数名称    参数值
主钩起重量    Q=50t
副钩起重量    Q=5t
跨度    S=22.5m
起重机工作级别    A5
机构工作级别    M5
起升速度    Vq=9.8m/min
小车运行速度    Vy=42m/min (车轮直径250mm)
大车运行速度    Vy=84m/min (车轮直径500mm)
起重机自重    G=26000kg
小车自重    Gx=3800kg
吊钩自重    Go=250kg



目   录
摘   要    I [资料来源]
目   录    III
第一章 绪  论    1
1.1 本次设计的意义    1
1.2 本次设计中双梁桥式起重机的主要组成    1
1.3 起重机主要参数    1
1.4 本次设计的主要工作    1
第二章 对桥式起重机电力设备的技术要求    3
2.1 一般的技术条件    3
2.1.1 起重机使用时的环境条件    3
2.1.2 对起重机使用性能方面的要求    3
2.1.3 电气设备的选用原则    3
2.1.4 电压损失    3
2.1.5 起重机的电气设备的安装    4
2.2 传动控制方案    5
2.2.1 桥式起重机传动系统的选择    5
2.2.2 桥式起重机的控制方式的选择    5
2.2.3 关于桥式起重机的传动控制方案选择的几点说明    6
2.3 安全保护    6
2.3.1 对桥式起重机用电力设备的安全要求    6 [资料来源]
2.3.2 桥式起重机的安全防护措施    7
第三章 设计任务分析和方案论证    8
3.1 本设计的具体技术要求:    8
3.2 方案论证    8
第四章 双梁桥式起重机电机容量的计算和选择    10
4.1 起升机构电动机容量的计算和选择    10
4.1.1 主钩电动机的容量计算和校验    10
4.1.2 副钩电动机的容量计算和校验    12
4.2 运行机构电动机容量的计算和选择    15
4.2.1 小车运行机构电动机的容量计算和校验    15
4.2.2 大车运行机构电动机的容量计算和校验    17
第五章 双梁桥式起重机电气控制线路的选用    21
5.1 主钩控制线路选用    21
5.2 副钩控制线路选用    25
5.3 小车控制线路选用    28
5.4 大车控制线路选用    30
5.5 保护柜和总受电柜的选择    31
5.6 移动馈电装置的选用    34 [来源:]
5.7 起重量限制器的选用    34
总结语    35
致谢    36
参 考 文 献    37 [资料来源:]

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