
摘 要
随着社会的日益发展,尤其是科技的迅猛发展,使得我国各项事业得到了前所未有的突破,不仅提高了工作效率,而且也降低了劳动强度,美化了工作环境。随着计算机广泛地应用在科学技术领域的各个方面,并逐渐进入家庭,成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分。为了适应读者对图书的需求,同时又大大减轻图书馆工作人员的工作量,全面提高图书馆的管理效率及服务质量,我以Visual Foxpro 6.0为环境,开发了此应用软件,本系统适用于各类小型图书馆,以及各类大中专院校、中小学校、企事业单位的图书馆和资料室的现代化综合管理。
本软件针对图书馆的业务范围及工作特点,设计了读者管理、图书管理、借阅管理、系统运行维护等4个子系统,这4个子系统包括了图书馆的主要业务,可以全面实现对图书馆采购、编目、检索、统计和流通等业务的计算机管理,使图书馆管理水平和业务水平跃上一个新的台阶。应用本系统可以在计算机上灵活、方便地管理图书,从而大大的提高了处理速率,使管理更加现代化。本系统是根据实际情况和具体内容,按照一定的要求,科学、合理的进行系统分析、设计,具体包括菜单设计、数据输入、查询、删除、修改等设计。从而使本系统完全能满足经济性、灵活性、系统性及可靠性的要求。 [资料来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Along with the increasingly develop of the society, particularly technological fast fierce development, make various businesses of our country get the unprecedented breakthrough, not only raised the work efficiency, and also lowered the labor strength, beautified the work environment .Along with the broadly applied each aspect in science technique realm of calculator, and enter the family gradually, become the people life essential to have of a part .For adapting the reader's need to the book, ease the library staff member's workload consumedly again at the same time, the management efficiency and the service quantities of the overall exaltation library, I with the Visual Foxpro 6.0 for environment, this developed applied software, this system is applicable to each kind of small scaled library, and every variety is big medium particularly the library of the college, primary and junior high school, the business unit and the modern comprehensive management of the reference room. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
This software aims at the business scope and the work characteristics of the library, designing the reader management, the book management, borrow to read the management, system to circulate to support 4 statures systems of etc., this 4 statures systems included the main business of the library, can carry out the calculator management that buy, prepares catalogue, inspect, statistics and circulates etc. the business to the library completely, making the library management level and the business levels leap onto a new step .Apply this system can at compute on board vivid, manage the book expediently, raised the processing velocity thus and consumedly, make management more modern .This system according to actual circumstance and concrete contents, according to the certain request, science, carry on the system analysis and design reasonably, in a specific way include the menu design, data importation, search, delete and modify etc. design .Thus make this system can satisfy the economy, vivid, system and dependable requests completely.
keywords: Library,Book Management,Loan Management
5.图书管理员把借书卡保存到写有该读者借书证号的口袋里。(毕业设计网 )
技术上可行:该系统所需硬件设备,市场上销售且价格较低,甚至可以使用原有的设备,软件上,操作系统采用Windows系列操作系统,数据库管理系统采用Visual Foxpro6.0,这些软件在MIS开发中已被大量应用,技术上都比较成熟。因此在技术上是可行的。(毕业设计网 )

目 录
第1章 前言 1
第2章 系统需求分析 2
2. 1现行业务描述 2
2.2现行系统存在问题的分析 3
2.3解决方案 4
2.4可行性分析 4
第3章 新系统逻辑方案 6
3.1初步调研 6
3.2详细调研 6
3.2.1组织结构调研 6
3.2.2数据流图 7
3.2.3数据字典 7
第4章 系统总体结构设计 9
4.1软件模块结构设计 9
4.1.1系统方案确定 9
(毕业设计网 )
4.1.2软件结构设计 9
4.2数据库设计 11
4. 3计算机系统的配置方案 14
4.4系统的安全性和可靠性设计 14
第5章 系统详细设计 15
5. 1系统登陆界面设计 15
5.2系统主界面设计 15
5. 3会员注册和挂失界面设计 16
5. 4借还书界面设计 19
5.5图书管理界面设计 20
5. 6数据的备份和恢复设计 20
第6章 实施概况 23
6.1系统开发环境 23
6. 2系统测试 26
6. 2. 1菜单项测试 26
6. 2. 2数据跟踪 26
6. 2. 3综合测试 26
6. 3 系统运行与维护 27 [资料来源:http://doc163.com]
6.4系统的转换方案 27
总 结 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31