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摘 要
本文完成了对在线客服模块的现状及发展的分析,掌握了伴随商务科技的发展,网络互连、及时通讯的重要性和关键要素。在此基础上,观察比较威客——猪八戒网站、健一网、维普网各个经典网站上在线客服模块的界面布局,咨询方式,链接匹配精准度,信息查询响应速度等的差异,总结归纳适合自身平台的在线客服模式,为进一步研发奠定基础。针对模块的研发,基于流行的Web网络B/S模式,文中从整体模块的框架结构入手,提出了基于Hibernate的MVC(模型、视图、控制器)模型设计,使用JavaEE作为开发语言,融合JSP+Hibernate+Ajax+Javascript技术,既简化了对数据库的增加、删除、修改、查询等更改扩充操作,还使Java类与数据库表成功实现一一对应,这样在数据处理时只需要对对象进行操作,大量减少了人工使用SQL语句和JDBC处理数据的时间。同时,在实际研发实施阶段,根据Java中定义的实体对象,本实验中的MsgBean.java也由Hibernate框架自动生成数据库表。从测试理论模型的目的出发,将自己的PC当作服务器载体,使得PC既充当客户端又充当服务器端,成功实现了简单的英文文本交互通讯。 [来源:]
关键字:电子商务  客户关系  在线服务  B/S  系统研发
E-commerce Online Customer Service Module Research
In recent years, with the rapid development of industry informatization, social groups have increased reliance on the application of the various networks. Network business online management module shows its advantages in all walks of life. Informatization, large-scale and network have become the key of whether an enterprise is located, so the electronic commerce online customer service module becomes the inevitable choice of informatization development. In this paper, with the aid of gulou district, Nanjing city of Jiangsu province intellectual property rights cooperation operations center platform, we try to build a two-way interactive online customer service module. Of course, because of the relative independence of the service module, it is not only convenient for collaborative operations of foreign exchanges, also suitable for other e-commerce system modules of customer service. Through the online customer service module, the enterprises implement the zero distance of communication between the sellers and the buyers, improve the effectiveness of the communication and come to a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win results. [资料来源:]
This paper completed the analysis of the present situation and development of online customer service module, mastered the accompanying with the development of business technology, network interconnection, as well as the importance and key elements of timely communication. On this basis, we observe online customer service module interface layout, consulting, link matching accuracy, information query response speed differences in Job - Pig Eight Quit Website, Kenichi Net, VIP and all classic websites of China Telecom, sum up the online customer service mode to suit for their own platforms, lay a foundation for further research and development. In view of the module of research and development, based on the popular Web network B/S model, starting with the frame structure of the whole module, this paper puts forward (model, view and controller) model designs based on Hibernate MVC, uses JavaEE as development language, mixes the JSP + Hibernate + Ajax + JavaScript technology, simplifies the increase, delete, modify, query and so on of the database in the expansion


operation, also makes the Java classes and database tables achieving one to one correspondence, and lets it only need the object during the data processing operations, which makes a substantial reduction in the using times of artificial SQL and JDBC data processing. Meanwhile, during the actual research and development stage of implementation, the experiment of MsgBean Java is automatically generated by the Hibernate framework database tables according to the entity objects defined in Java. Starting from the purpose of testing theory model, we use our own PC as a server carrier, which makes the PC is both a client and a server. It implements simple English text interactive communications successfully.
Compared with other third party softwares (QQ, MSN, etc.), the online customer service module which corresponds to the module website creates a real-time communication and exchange platform for the sites and the users, as well as promotes the transformation and upgrade of the site service manners. Along with the social development, online customer service will constantly try to meet higher needs of all types of users to supply the enterprise service.


KEY WORDS:electronic commerce;customer relationship;online service;B/S;system development
目 录
摘 要    Ⅰ
目 录    Ⅳ
第一章 绪论    1
1.1课题来源    1
1.2选题背景    1
1.3研究方法    2
第二章 文献综述    3
2.1国内外电子商务在线客服模块的研究和应用现状    3
2.1.1 在线客服的起源    3
2.1.2 在线客服发展历程    3
2.1.3 在线客服模块特点及应用    4
2.1.4 在线客服经典模式分析与比较    5
2.2在线客服存在的问题    9
第三章  在线客服模块分析    11
3.1模块框架结构    11
3.1.1 MVC视图    12
3.1.2 MVC模型    13
3.1.3 MVC控制器    13
3.2技术分析    13 [资料来源:]
3.2.1 Ajax技术    13
3.2.2 JSP技术    15
3.2.3 数据库连接技术    15
3.3模块开发环境    16
3.3.1 Eclipse开发环境    16
3.3.2 MyEclipse开发环境    16
3.4模块开发工具    16
3.4.1 JDK工具    16
3.4.2 Tomcat服务器    17
3.4.3 SQL Server数据库管理系统    17
3.5模块耦合与细分    18
3.6模块层次分析    19
3.7模块需求    20
第四章 在线客服模块详细设计    21
4.1存储模块设计    21
4.1.1 功能模块设计    21
4.1.2 物理结构设计    26
4.2数据库设计    29
4.2.1 概念设计    29
4.3部分重要字段实现    30
4.4在线客服模块设计效果    32
结 语    34
参考文献    35 [资料来源]
附 录    39
致 谢    48 [资料来源]

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