
摘 要
这篇论文简述了启发类优化算法与化学反应优化算(Chemical ReactionOptimization, 简称CRO )的背景,并简单分析了这些算法的原理,化学反应优化算法受到化学反应中分子之间相互作用的规则以寻求势能面中最低势能原理的启发,采用四种基本反应,遵循热力学第一、第二定律,具有简单通用、鲁棒性强、自学习、自组织、自适应等特点。据此,我们尝试用该算法去解决最小顶点覆盖问题.
This paper introduces the bionic optimization algorithm and chemical reaction optimization with simple analysis of their theory. Chemical Reaction Optimization (CRO) is proposed for the minimum vertex cover problem in this paper in the same time. According to the undirected graph adjacency matrix, chemical reactions molecular coding is designed. The four important operators are designed creatively according to the characteristics of problem. The optimal solution is searched in the solution space by simulating the process of chemical reaction in which potential energy gradually stabilize. The experimental result proves that the new method is effective for solving minimum vertex cover problem ofundirected graph,and it performs remarkably better than the general genetic algorithm in solving speed. [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
Key words: vertex cover problem; undirected graph; the bionic optimization algorithm; chemical reaction optimization;
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究的目的及意义 1
1.2 研究背景 1
1.3 研究现状 3
1.4研究内容 3
第2章启发类优化算法简述 5
2.1 引言 5
2.2几种启发类算法的基本思想 5
2.2.1 遗传算法 5
2.2.2 蚁群算法 7
2.2.3 混合蛙跳算法 8
2.3算法分析 8
第3章化学反应优化算法理论及浅析 11
第4章化学反应优化算法的实际应用 15
4.1 引言 15
4.2问题描述 15
4.3无向图表示及顶点覆盖判定算法 15
4.3.1 判断分子的解向量是否为覆盖 16 [来源:http://www.doc163.com]
4.4 CRO算法求解最小顶点覆盖问题 16
4.4.1 分子编码及目标函数 16
4.4.2四种化学反应算子设计 17
4.5 结语 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23