摘要: 随着上网人数的剧增,越来越多的商业客户开始重视网络这个宣传、展示的平台,网络广告近些年也呈快速发展之势。在网络广告的发展历程中,简单的静态的Banner广告形式已经不能满足客户的要求,因此,又出现了漂浮广告、弹出式广告以及大幅面广告等众多形式,因此在考察了众多的网络广告形式之后,又结合了传统广告的制作、创意等情况,认为未来的网络广告形式中,flash广告将大有可为。但是从目前的发展形势来看,其中还存在不少的问题,因此,本文拟从分析flash广告的特征和存在的问题入手,探析flash广告的出路,以起到抛砖引玉之作用。
关键词:FLASH ; 动画; 宣传片
Design and Implementation of Product Marketing Advertising Based on Flash
Abstract: With the number of Internet surge, more and more business customers start to this propaganda network, the display platform, online advertising in recent years also showed rapid development trend. In the course of development of Internet advertising in a simple form of static banner ads have been unable to meet customer requirements, therefore, has emerged floating ads, pop-up ads and the large format, and other forms of advertising, so inspected the large number of online advertising After the forms, combined with the production of traditional advertising, creative, and so on, that the future form of online advertising, flash ads will be very promising.However, from the current development situation, of which there are still many problems, so this paper from the analysis of the characteristics of flash ads and problems in the start of flash ads the way out to play the role of Paozhuanyinyu. [资料来源:http://Doc163.com]
In this paper, "FLASH animation film" as an example, the animation company to Procter & Gamble to promote a single product company Procter & Gamble, one by one on the making of this animation steps: analysis of animation, animation design, animation, and so achieve.
Key words: FLASH animation films
此动画是针对宝洁公司进行的宣传。虽然此动画比较短,但是,我相信通过幽默一点的手法来对其进行宣传会有较好的效果。此动画展示了在中国的众多外来品牌中,宝洁所占据的市场潜力,以及人们的选择。动画的基本目的是针对宝洁诸多产品中的一项进行突出的宣传。众多消费者的选择和产品的质量价格等方面的比较,显示了宝洁产品拥有了很大的消费群体。同样,通过对此动画的设计,也让我能够把理论与实际相结合,来更进一步的巩固我所学到知识。 [来源:http://Doc163.com]