摘 要:会展业是会议业和展览业的总称。会展经济将不断发展,影响面广,关联度高。会展业涉及工业、农业、商贸等诸多产业,对结构调整、开拓市场、促进消费、加强合作交流、扩大产品出口、推动经济快速持续健康发展等发挥重要作用,在城市建设、精神文明建设、和谐社会构建中显示出其特殊的地位和作用,并日益显现出来。通过对湖南省会展业的竞争地位,市场供需以及参与竞争的优势,劣势,机会和威胁的分析,提出对湖南会展业良性发展的建议与对策。
关键词:会展业;现状;前景;分析; 湖南
Current Situation and Prospect in Hunan Province of convention and exhibition industry
Abstract: Exhibition industry is collectively, of the Convention and exhibition industry.. The convention and exhibition industry involves a great deal of industries such as industry, agriculture, trade and business, to the structural adjustment, exploit market, promote consumption, strengthen coooperation and exchange, expand the products export, promote economy to develop in a healthy way etc. and play an important role continuously fast, demonstrate its special position and function in urban construction, construction of spiritual civilization, harmonious society construct, and display day by day. Through the exhibition industry's competitive position, the capital of Hunan, market supply and demand and competitive advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats analysis, recommendations made on sound development of exhibition industry of Hunan and countermeasures.
Key word:Exhibition industry and convention;current situation;prospect; analyze;hunan