摘 要:税务会计是在财务会计的形成发展过程中逐步产生和发展起来的一大会计分支。在国外许多国家的会计学科体系中,税务会计早已从财务会计中独立出来,形成了一套独立的税务会计体系,它与财务会计、管理会计并驾齐驱,共同构成会计学科体系。在我国,目前税务会计还只是财务会计的一部分。随着我国财政、税收体制的完善和会计职能的变革,税务会计与企业财务会计、管理会计之间的分工越来越明确,现代企业制度逐步规范,将税务会计从财务会计中分离出来已势在必行。
A Crudly Discussion of The Separation of Tax Accounting and Financial Accounting in China
Abstract: Tax accounting is one of the big branches of financial accounting. In many foreign accounting systems, tax accounting has been separated from financial accounting long before and it has formed an independent accounting system. However, in our country, tax accounting is still a part of financial accounting. As the development of the financial and tax system, and as the reformation of accounting functions, tax accounting and financial accountings’ work has been apart from each other clearly, the separation of tax accounting and financial accounting is imperative.
The big differences of them have made it necessary to apart the two accounting systems, such as accounting principles, the purpose, the content, the object and so on. In the procession of discussing the apartment, we should also consider the separation level and the cost-effectiveness.
Key words: Tax Accounting and Financial Accounting; Apartment; Counter measures