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摘    要
同大局势一样,在辽宁省经济中小微企业也具有重要地位,但是辽宁省的小微企业发展起步比较晚,在探索适合小微企业发展方式方面取得的经验较少。虽然近几年为促进辽宁省小微企业的发展、改善其融资环境,辽宁省有关部门先后采取了很多措施,但小微企业的融资困境依然是制约辽宁省经济发展的重要问题。本文的研究对象为辽宁省小微企业,首先对这些小微企业的基本特征和融资情况进行调查,在此基础上分析当前辽宁省小微企业的融资现状。然后从多方位分析导致其融资困境的主要因素并提出了解决辽宁小微企业融资困境的建议和对策。 [来源:]

关键词: 小微企业;融资困难;原因;对策

Small micro enterprise financing problems and their solutions in liaoning province
From all aspects of business development, products management and risk prevention, financial condition is of vital importance for a certain enterprise, so financing is considered to be one of the core points in enterprise financial management. The financing problem is especially serious for small business because of its own weakness. The restriction from both internal and external makes the financing ways available for small business are very limited. Coming together with the severe financing predicament is the irreplaceable role small business is playing in economy in our country at present. So it is meaningful to explore the cause of the financing difficulties for small business and to come up with some feasible countermeasure.
Small business is also in an important position in the economy in Liaoning Province, but we had little experience in this field because they are with a short history. Although in recent years relevant departments in Liaoning Province has taken many measures to promote the development and improve the financial environment for small business in Liaoning, but the financing problem is still the most important problem restricting the development of economy in Liaoning Province. The objective of this paper is the small business in Liaoning Province. In this research, first of all, an investigation into the basic features and present financing situation of small business is made, and then an analysis on the current predicament which the small business are in is presented. On the basic of this, the elements from different aspects result in the financing difficulties of small business are formulated, and finally some suggestions to solve the financing difficulties of small business in Liaoning Province are made.


KEYWORDS:Small Business, Financing Predicament, Reason,Countermeasures

目    录
1 引言    1
1 理论基础    2
1.1 信息不对称理论    2
1.2 莫迪利亚尼一米勒理论(MM理论)    2
1.3 信号传递理论    2
1.4 优序融资理论    2
1.5 关系信贷理论    3
2 小微企业对于辽宁老工业基地发展的重要性     4
2.1 提供更多的就业机会    4
2.2 小微企业在人才培养上的优势    4
2.3 增加财税收入    5
3 辽宁省小微企业融资现状分析    6
3.1 融资成本高    6
3.2 融资渠道不够通畅    6
3.3 融资强调时效,可承担较高融资成本    6
4 小微企业融资难成因分析    8
4.1 小微企业自身层面因素    8
4.1.1 企业内源性融资水平低    8


4.1.2 内部管理不规范,财务透明度不高    8
4.1.3 小微企业生命周期短、违约概率高    8
4.1.4 企业自身经营风险大    9
4.1.5 小微企业抵押担保能力有限    9
4.2 金融机构层面因素    9
4.2.1 缺少专门服务于小微企业的金融机构    9
4.2.2 商业银行的支持力度受到信贷审批权限的制约    9
4.2.3 适合小微企业的信贷产品缺乏    9
4.2.4 国有商业银行对小微企业贷款有偏见    10
4.2.5 担保机构作用不明显    10
4.3 政府层面因素    10
4.3.1 小微企业融资缺乏有效的法律保护    10
4.3.2 目前金融体制不完善    10
4.3.3 征信体制和信用环境欠缺    11
4.3.4 所处的信用担保体系不完善    11
4.3.5 缺乏风险补偿机制    11
5 解决融资难问题的对策    12
5.1 企业自身方面    12 [来源:]
5.1.1 加强企业信用建设,树立良好的企业形象    12
5.1.2 提高企业信用,与银行建立和谐关系    12
5.1.3 促进小微企业之间联保同贷的合作    13
5.1.4 加大力度寻找多种融资渠道    13
5.1.5 实现小微企业技术进步和结构调整    13
5.1.6 完善企业财务制度,保证经营的规范化    13
5.2 金融机构方面    13
5.2.1 大力发展面向小微企业的金融机构    13
5.2.2 健全组织机构,优化运营方式    14
5.2.3 转变服务方式、创新金融产品    14
5.2.4 加大支持力度    14
5.2.5 扩大担保物的范围    15
5.3 政府宏观方面    15
5.3.1 完善政府公共服务和社会管理职能    15
5.3.2 推进小微企业信用担保体系建设    15
5.3.3 鼓励发展民间借贷市场    15
5.3.4 加快建立风险补偿机制    16
参考文献    17


后    记    18 [资料来源:]

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