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摘  要
   国外的劳务派遣于我国有着很大的区别,劳务派遣初步形成便能迅速发展,其中主要是解决了我国的劳动力分配不均衡以及就业空间和农民的就业问题等。国外的劳务派遣不被作为主要的用功方式 而在我国已然成为了主体用功方式,因其作为一种新型的用功方式,我国在这方面没有制定相应的政策法规,导致劳务派遣成为了一种不规范的行业,行业的管理也一直处于滞后状态,一直到我国的劳动合同法出台后劳务派遣才被当成一种新型的用功方式确立下来。现如今,劳务派遣在具体实施过程中存在很多的问题,但我国的法律法规在这方面仍存在一定的空缺,于是如何将劳务派遣合理化规范化引起了社会和国家的关注,甚至于成为了两会讨论的热点,全国人民代表大会的代表人物曾经就提议制定《劳务派遣用工实施办法》。 [版权所有:]

   The formation of labor dispatch in the last decade of the twentieth Century, started development in developed countries and later formed a certain scale. Since the reform and opening up, the market economy has changed, in China there appears the phenomenon of uneven distribution of labor, and labor dispatch according to their own unique advantages: small amount of labor, low cost, flexibility the higher the labor distribution gradually. Equilibrium liquidity is also significantly reduced, the most important thing is to meet the needs of the three parties, the short term and promote the development of our country's new labor dispatch. The model can not only expand the employment space, but also the balance of labor allocation, it also can be used as a labor partyType. [资料来源]
   Foreign labor dispatch in China has great difference, the initial formation of labor dispatch can be developed rapidly, which is mainly to solve the uneven distribution of China's labor and employment space and farmers' employment problems. Foreign labor dispatch is not as the main work mode in our country has become a subject of study because of the way, as a new type of hard, our country has not yet set up corresponding policies and regulations in this regard, leading to the labor dispatch has become a standard of the industry, the management of the industry also has been lagging behind, until the introduction of the labor contract law of our country after the labor dispatch is not regarded as a new type of the way is hardStand down. Now, the labor dispatch has many problems in the specific implementation process, but some vacancies still exist in this respect the laws and regulations of our country, so how to dispatch reasonably standardized by the society and national attention, and even become a hot NPC and CPPCC discussion, representatives of the National People's Congress has proposed a "labor dispatch implementation measures.


In recent years, labor dispatch has become a new way of employment in the modern economy, formed after the rapid development, still become the focus of attention from all sectors of society and government. Nowadays, the dispatch of the relevant laws and regulations there are still some gaps, the system is not complete, so it is necessary for us according to our country now the problems of labor dispatch, make certain measures.
Key words: labor dispatch; labor dispatch system; problems and Countermeasures

目  录
摘  要    2
一、劳务派遣在我国的发展进程概述    4
(一)劳务派遣制度    4
1.劳务派遣的概念    4
2. 劳务派遣的法律规制    4
(二)我国劳务派遣的发展进程    6
1.我国劳务派遣的起源    6
2.我国劳务派遣的现状    7
二、我国劳务派遣在实践中存在的问题及原因分析    9 [资料来源:]
(一)劳务派遣在实践中存在的主要问题    9
1.劳务派遣规模过大    9
2.劳务派遣行业监管缺失    9
3.劳动者权益保障不力    9
(二)制约劳务派遣顺利发展的原因分析    10
1.劳动派遣立法价值定位的模糊、制度体系缺失    10
2.用工单位对降低成本、规避风险和灵活用工的过度追求    11
3.政府在劳务派遣监管方面存在不足    11
4.工会维权作用发挥不足    12
三、国外劳务派遣实践的经验借鉴    14
(一)  西方国家劳务派遣发展简况    14
(二)劳务派遣行业准入及监管的管制    15
(三)劳动者职业稳定权的保障机制    16
1.对于连续、循环的派遣做出限制。    16
2.“刺破”派遣规制。    17
3.派遣转直接雇佣规则。    17
(四)劳动者同工同酬权利的保障机制    17
(五) 严格的责任机制    18


四、完善我国劳务派遣制度的思路和建议    18
(一)科学把握劳务派遣制度改革价值    18
1.对劳务派遣应以非标准劳动关系来认识    18
2.对劳务派遣制度应以非标准劳动关系法律治理的新要求来认识    19
3. 对劳务派遣制度应以配套改革的系统理念来认识    19
(二)积极健全完善劳务派遣法律规范    19
1. 加强对于劳务派遣整个行业的监管。    20
2.以人为本,创建劳动保护的长期有效的管理机制。    20
3.为保障劳动者的基本权利,要完善社会保障机制    20
4.完善和强化违法行为的责任追究。    21
五、 总结    21
参考文献    22
六、 致谢    24


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