
With the continuous development of information technology, we need more and more large amount of information, but although the traditional Shannon theorem and Nyquist theorem can be very accurate sampling of the signal, but this makes the sampling sampling out of data is very large, whether it is in the information storage, transmission or has a negative effect reconstruction. Therefore, the idea of compressed sensing is put forward, which is also the key point of this design. But the realization of compressed sensing current is the software, which also appears to be a big problem, the software overhead of time is a lot, a lot of interaction and it requires the underlying hardware, these interactions need time. Therefore, this design takes into account the use of FPGA to achieve this algorithm, FPGA as an emerging technology direction, in recent years more and more design used it. Of course, there are many details, such as how to solve a large matrix faster and more accurate inverse matrix, which involves decomposition of matrix, the key is the Givens transform, which will also be the focus of discussion. [资料来源:www.doc163.com]
Keywords: compression sensing, orthogonal matching pursuit, FPGA, Givens transform

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 论文章节安排 2
第2章压缩传感信号重建理论 3
2.1 稀疏表示 4
2.1.1 小波变换 6
2.2 传感矩阵 9
2.3 重构算法 10
2.3.1 凸优化算法 11
2.3.2 贪婪追踪算法 12
2.3.2 稀疏表示以及贪婪算法的应用 14
2.4 本章小结 17
第3章重建算法选择以及FPGA概述 18
3.1 重建算法的选择 18
3.2 FPGA概述 20
3.2.1 FPGA的数据格式 21
3.2.2 MATLAB和Modelsim联调 21
3.3 本章小结 22
第4章硬件实现及结果分析 23
4.1 算法硬件实现框架 23
4.1.1 寻找最相关列 24
4.1.2 最小二乘法 25
4.1.3 Givens变换 27
4.2 一维信号以及二维信号的重建 28
4.2.1 一维信号重建及其结果分析 28
4.2.2 二维信号重建及其结果分析 29
4.3 本章小结 29
第5章总结与展望 30
参考文献 31
致谢 33